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PTA Summer Fair, Saturday 18th June, 2-6pm

With less than two weeks until our Summer Fair, here are some further details and how you can help.

We now have less than two weeks until our exciting Summer Fair (poster attached), which will kick off at 2pm on Saturday 18th June. 
Please see below for more details and how you can help:

Children's Singing Performances at the Fair
2:30 - All infant children (Reception, Y1 and Y2, whoever wants to participate)
3:15 - Junior Choir (Junior Choir members only)
4:00 - Whole school song (Reception through to Y6, whoever wants to participate)

Planning Meeting - This Wed, 8th June @8pm
This Wednesday we are having an important planning meeting at 8pm on Zoom. We will start the meeting with a Q&A session focused on the stalls. Feel free to dial off after the Q&A if your time is limited. Zoom details have been sent via ParentMail.

Donations Needed
A reminder that we now have less than two weeks to collect the following (please drop off at either office, preferably on a Friday, but any day is fine):

  1. Books (can be either children's or adults, all must be very saleable and in a good state of repair - "good-as-new")
  2. Toys (again very good condition only please, puzzles and games must have all of their pieces, toys must be clean and intact)
  3. Jolly Jars – jars assembled by parents, filled with sweets and goodies (see attached for more information about what a Jolly Jar actually is!)
  4. Bottles of wine, beer, spirits and soft drinks - for the bottle tombola
  5. Chocolates and sweets - for the chocolate tombola

Cakes for the Tea Room
Calling all bakers! Our Tea Room needs YOU to maintain its legendary status.
Please bring your cakes, tray bakes / sweet treats to either school office on Friday 17th June or bring them on the morning of the fair from 11am. The bake / cake must be labelled so we know what it is and tins and plates should be named so we can return them.
Please email to let us know that you are donating a cake so we can ensure we have plenty for everyone. Remember that cakes should contain no nuts as we are a no nut school.

Summer Raffle
Thanks to all those who have helped with the raffle, which is boasting a really great selection of prizes! The raffle website will launch the week after the fair and the draw will be in July, allowing plenty of time for purchasing tickets!

Many thanks for your support!