Weekly Bulletin - Friday 10th December

Christmas Nativities, Carols & Year 5 have been catching speeding motorists, much to the adults’ surprise!
Even though we are in the penultimate week before Christmas, we seem to become more busy, not less! This week has been full of impressive nativities. I think the standard has been the best ever and there were few dry eyes in the hall. I am so pleased that we were able to offer live performances and I would like to thank everyone for being so supportive with all our COVID restrictions. Thank you so much for your donations – we have raised £391 for the Lunchbowl Network. There only remains one for next week: Fox class.
Last night, we had the first ever PTA Christmas Carols & Market. It was such a success; thank you to all the people who worked hard to make it such a success. I must particularly thank Mrs Bond, who organised the concert and taught the choir such lovely songs. Mrs Bond had also found some staff, parents and former students who joined Mr Marsh’s orchestra, we even had a vicar performing. A true community event and a lovely way to celebrate Christmas! I know a number of people have already commented that they would like this to become a tradition.
Alongside this, Year 5 were catching speeding motorists, rather to the adults’ surprise; the PTA were running excellent secret wrapping rooms; and the children have been enjoying the online pantomimes, kindly paid for by the parents.
Christmas Parties
Next Thursday afternoon are the class Christmas Parties. Children can come dressed in their own clothes for the party and all food and drink will be provided. We would ask parents for a donation towards the class parties, please go to the ParentMail shop and make a contribution.
PTA Christmas Hamper Raffle
The Christmas Raffle has raised a fantastic £1,769 for the school – thank you so much to everyone for contributing to the fabulous prizes and buying tickets!
Also thank you so much to SeOUL Residential for sponsoring the Raffle and Christmas Concert and Markets with an additional £750. We really appreciate their ongoing support.
Please get in touch if you have won a prize but you have not received an email notifying you of prize collection details: ccnmpta.raffle@gmail.com. Many thanks! The PTA
Y4 Choir at the Baptist Church
Well done to all those involved in the performance at the Baptist Church on Monday. We have received a lovely message of thanks from them. “Thanks for the great performance of the children, and for all the arrangements you put in place so well. The choir’s singing, discipline and enthusiasm were lovely and very enjoyable. Our sincere thanks to you, your accompanist, & all your assistants”.
Antarctic Quest 2021 – Our school logo is going to Antarctica!
London Grid for Learning (LGfL) is one of several sponsors of a new Antarctic expedition to commemorate the life of Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton. LGfL schools were offered the opportunity to have their school logo displayed on the LGfL flag being taken to Antarctica. The flag will have the expedition logo, LGfL logo and up to 25 LGfL school logos. We are very excited to announce that our school logo has been selected to be included on this and we hope to see photographs taken of the flag when on Antarctica.
New Appointment: Dyslexia Specialist
We are thrilled to announce that we have appointed a specialist dyslexia teacher, Mrs Laura Clarke, who will be working with children who have, or show signs of, dyslexia. She brings with her a wealth of experience and will both be working with children and also developing our strategy for supporting children with dyslexic tendencies. We look forward to welcoming her.
Farewell and thank you
Sadly for us, we have just heard that Miss Pratt has achieved an exciting promotion. She will be a great loss to us, but we would like to thank her for all her dedication over the seven years she has been with us and the good cheer she has brought to everyone‘s lives (along with the pigs!). We wish her every happiness in her new post.
From Ray
This is a message from Ray, who has retired as the lollipop man on Elm Road:
All at Christchurch,
It is with such sadness that I have had to resign from my position as a school crossing patrol man due to my health and retire. I have held this position since 2009. During this time I have seen many children evolve through the years. They went from nervous little people right up to confident year 6 children. I’ve loved getting to know them all and their parents too. I’ve also enjoyed getting to know all the staff too. It’s been so touching over the years with all the kindness and gifts given to me at Christmas, Easter and at the end of the academic year.
I would like to say a huge heartfelt thank you to you, your wonderful staff and all the children along with their parents. I say a fond farewell to you all wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Warmest Regards, Ray Robinson
St John’s Church Christmas Services
St John’s Church warmly invite you to join them for any of their Christmas services (and they will also be live-streamed on Facebook and YouTube if you can’t get there in person!)
- Sunday 19th December, 10.30am- Pop-up Nativity
- Sunday 19th December, 6.30pm -Carols by Candlelight
- Friday 24th December, 3.30pm OR 5pm – Christingle
- Saturday 25th December, 10.30am – All Age Christmas Celebration
We will update you with other church services next week.
Reminder – Primary School Applications
For any parents making primary school applications for September 2022 entry, you can apply online here. The closing date for applications is 15 January 2022. You must submit your application and any supplementary information forms by this date. We will be offering tours at 9.30am on 7th and 14 January 2022. Please contact the office to book a place.
Reminder: Clubs this term
All clubs for this term have now finished with the exception of Junior Silver Recorders next Wednesday 15th December.
Reminder – School Closes Early on Last Day of Term
Please remember, as is usual, school will close early on the last day of term, next Friday, 17th December, at the following times:
- Infants @ 2:15pm
- Nursery @ 2:20pm
- Juniors @ 2:30pm
- Connect @ 5:15pm
Tabitha White
Key Dates – Autumn 2021
- Monday 13th December – Y5 & Y6 Choir at John Lewis for 11:00 a.m.
- Monday 13th December – Y4 Trip to Rose Theatre for 2:00 p.m.
- Wednesday 15th December – Fox Nativity at 9:10 a.m.
- Wednesday 15th December – Y3 & Y4 Choir at the Methodist Church for 10:30 a.m.
- Friday 17th December – Christmas Service and end of term. (School closes early).