Weekly Parent Update - Friday 6th December
it’s been a busy and exciting time for sports and music at our school including our Year 5 and 6 footballers coming second in the Fulham FC Primary Stars Competition.
Weekly Update from Mr Burkinshaw
What a busy week it has been! A huge thank you to everyone who contributed to the success of the PTA Christmas Fair on Saturday. From the fantastic volunteers who made it all happen, to the families who came along to support, the event was a perfect way to kick off the holiday season. Your generosity and enthusiasm have not only brought the community together but also raised much needed funds for our school.
This week also marked the beginning of Advent, and our Year 6 worship leaders set the tone beautifully during assembly on Monday. Through their retelling of the story of Joseph, they reminded us of the importance of fairness and kindness, the focus of this half-term’s iShare theme. As part of our Reverse Advent initiative, children are bringing in items for Kingston Foodbank, and we have started to receive some items. Thank you for helping us teach our children the joy of giving.
Looking ahead, next week is our charity Christmas Jumper Day! We encourage you to talk with your children about the three charities we’re supporting this year: Kingston Churches Action on Homelessness, Cancer Research UK, and TearFund (you can read more detail about these charities below). These charities reflect our commitment to making a difference locally, nationally, and internationally. On Wednesday 11th December, we’ll have buckets at the school gates for donations. Please remember to have some cash ready to help us support these worthwhile causes.
Finally, it’s been a busy and exciting time for sports and music at our school. Highlights include our Year 5 and 6 footballers; the boys came second in the Fulham FC Primary Stars Competitions, and the girls were beaten in the semi-final of the Kingston Girls Championship by a very strong Latchmere team. The Year 3 and 4 choir have been singing at the Widow’s Group, and Year 5 handbell players and singers have been bringing joy to the Baptist Church Toddler Group. Reception children also had their first experience of taking the train to Waterloo, paving the way for more adventures in the future. We’re so proud of how our students are embracing these opportunities to learn, grow, and represent our school with pride.
Thank you for your continued support as we journey through this advent season together!
Our School Updates for Parents
Attendance Policy
Working closely with the educational welfare service, we have recently reviewed our attendance policy which can be read here. We take attendance at school seriously, and have high attendance levels compared to national averages, and we aim to build on this further. Please be reminded afresh, in line with all Government legislation, that we do not authorise absence from school for holidays, and absence will only be authorised or partially authorised in exceptional circumstances. Thank you for your support with this.
Ahead of next week’s charity Christmas Jumper Day, please continue talking with your children about the three charities that we will be supporting this year are as follows, so children are informed:
- Our local charity is Kingston Churches Action on Homelessness who work with single people facing housing crisis in the Kingston Borough. Their aim is to help them secure a safe and stable home and to help them start rebuilding their lives.
- Our national charity is Cancer Research UK who fund scientists, doctors and nurses to help beat cancer sooner.
- Our international charity is TearFund who are a Christian charity which partners with churches in more than 50 of the world’s poorest countries. They tackle poverty and injustice through sustainable development, by responding to disasters and challenging injustice and believe an end to extreme poverty is possible.
On Wednesday 11th December, there will be buckets for each charity at the gate at both sites, beginning and end of the day. Please have some cash in your pocket on that day! Thank you for your support.
Thank You
A big thank you to one of our parents, Aaron Probert, who has very kindly delivered lots of pallets to us to use for the stage for our junior playground.
Christmas Post
Children are able to send Christmas cards to their classmates by posting them in the post boxes in the office at both sites. Please note, envelopes must have the recipient’s full name and class on them and no sweets/chocolates inside.
Wheels Wanted
We want to get the children moving in the playground. As part of our OPAL journey we are looking for donations of working:
- Scooters
- Pushchairs
- Wheelchairs
If you have any of these, please hand them into the office on either site. Likewise, if you know where we could source them, please let us know.
Primary School Applications
For any parents making primary school applications for September 2025 entry, you can apply online here. The closing date for applications is Wednesday 15th January 2025. You must submit your application online and return any supplementary information forms to the school office by this date. Please ensure that you choose Christ Church New Malden CofE Primary School (and not Christ Church CofE Primary School Surbiton).
Nursery Applications
For any parents making nursery applications for September 2025, please complete this form. The closing date for applications is Friday 7th March 2025.
Wider Community Updates
KMS Christmas Concerts - 8th December at Chessington School
Please see the attached poster for details.
Key School Dates
- Monday 9th - Friday 13th December - Chums Week
- Monday 9th December - Y5 Handbells and Singers performing at St. John's Church
- Tuesday 10th December - Junior Christmas Production @ 4:00pm
- Wednesday 11th December - Christmas Lunch and Christmas Jumper Day
- Wednesday 11th December - Junior Christmas Production @ 6:00pm
- Thursday 12th December - Nursery & Reception Joint Nativity @ 9:00am
- Sunday 15th December - Y5 & 6 Handbells Performing at the Methodist Church
- Monday 16th December
- Y2 Choir singing at the Methodist Church
- Nursery & Reception Trip to the Methodist Church & Waitrose
- Y4 Trip to Rose Theatre to see “Robin Hood and the Christmas Heist”
- Class Christmas parties
- Thursday 19th December - Church Service @ 9:30am
- Thursday 19th December - Term finishes early at 1.05pm (infants) and 1.20pm (juniors). Connect will finish at 5:15pm
- Friday 20th December - INSET Day (School closed to pupils)
- Monday 23rd December - Friday 3rd January - Christmas Holidays
- Monday 6th January - INSET Day (School closed to pupils)
- Tuesday 7th January - Spring Term starts