Weekly Parent Update - Friday 29th November

We are looking forward to seeing many of you at the PTA’s Christmas Fair tomorrow between 1-4pm.
Weekly Update from Mr Meehan
One of the important things we have been doing this week is discussing our chosen Christ Church charities this week, which we will be supporting over the year, beginning this Christmas, and then through ‘Charity Tuesdays’. As part of our iShare Learning theme, ‘A Fair Share’, we have been considering how we can all do our bit to make the world a kinder, fairer, more just place. Here are our chosen charities:
- Our local charity is Kingston Churches Action on Homelessness who work with single people facing housing crisis in the Kingston Borough. Their aim is to help them secure a safe and stable home and to help them start rebuilding their lives.
- Our national charity is Cancer Research UK who fund scientists, doctors and nurses to help beat cancer sooner.
- Our international charity is TearFund who are a Christian charity which partners with churches in more than 50 of the world’s poorest countries. They tackle poverty and injustice through sustainable development, by responding to disasters and challenging injustice and believe an end to extreme poverty is possible.
We will be supporting these charities on Christmas Jumper Day on Wednesday 11th December. As in previous years, our house captains will be on the gate at both sites at the beginning and end of the day with three labelled buckets for you to choose where you’d like to put your donation. Please talk to your child about these charities before this day. We will then be focusing on each charity in turn with our ‘Charity Tuesdays’ over the Spring and Summer in the coming terms, in which we’ll learn more about the work of each charity.
For a very brief summary of each charity, here are some slides that were shared with children in collective worship this week.
We are looking forward to seeing many of you at the PTA’s Christmas Fair tomorrow between 1-4pm. I know many of our volunteers have been working very hard for this, so please do come and support what will be a lovely festive occasion. We are hoping to raise more money to add to our funds in our junior playground redevelopment project. Our latest plan, in line with our OPAL project which we started this term, can be seen below. We are very thankful to Clarissa Freeman for masterminding this plan, and the input of many parents (and children) with ideas which the OPAL team are forming.
Opal Update
We are pleased to be able to share the latest plan for the junior playground. As you can see it includes a new sports pitch, with an all weather synthetic grass surface, which is over double the size of the existing pitch. In addition, it includes new monkey bars and pull up bars, a stage, a sandpit and much more. All this is on top of the changes that have already started at the infants.
Each week, we will include a list of what we are collecting the following week. This week’s list:
- Items for the mud kitchen (utensils, crockery, pots and pans etc)
- Shovels/spades
- Old adult T-shirts to be used as aprons in the mud kitchen
Items can be handed in at either office. Do come along and meet members of the OPAL team at the Christmas Fair on Saturday.
Our School Updates for Parents
Wheels Wanted
We want to get the children moving in the playground. As part of our OPAL journey we are looking for donations of working:
- Scooters
- Pushchairs
- Wheelchairs
If you have any of these, please hand them into the office on either site. Likewise, if you know where we could source them, please let us know.
Help Needed
Do you have experience accessing funding via grants and are keen to help the school? If so, please speak to Mr Burkinshaw.
Primary School Applications
For any parents making primary school applications for September 2025 entry, you can apply online here. The closing date for applications is Wednesday 15th January 2025. You must submit your application online and return any supplementary information forms to the school office by this date. Please ensure that you choose Christ Church New Malden CofE Primary School (and not Christ Church CofE Primary School Surbiton).
Nursery Applications
For any parents making nursery applications for September 2025, please complete this form. The closing date for applications is Friday 7th March 2025.
Wider Community Updates
Make Merry in Jubilee Square Today - New Malden Town Centre Partnership
Get ready to kick off the festive season today, Friday 29th November for the New Malden Town Centre Partnership traditional Christmas event in Jubilee Square from 3:30pm - 7:00pm. Enjoy an afternoon filled with food stalls, live music, street entertainment, and even a special visit from Santa Claus himself. Make sure not to miss the magical lights switch-on at 5:00pm.
Cheeky Chimps Softplay
Cheeky Chimps run a stay and play for children aged 0-5 years in Motspur Park and have sent us the attached poster for more information. They are offering parents a free tea or instant coffee if you show the poster on arrival.
Kingston Adult Education - New courses starting in January
As part of Kingston Council, Kingston Adult Education provides a range of courses to people aged 19 or over. A lot of their courses are free, and take place in school hours. They have a number of courses starting in January. Please see the attached for more details. Their classes take place both online and at centres across the Royal Borough of Kingston. For further information, please contact Kingston Adult Education directly on 020 8547 6700 or at adult.education@kingston.gov.uk
Christmas Tech Camp
Next Thing Education will be hosting a variety of tech filled activities at both our Junior site on the 30th and 31st December and the 2nd and 3rd January from 9 am to 4 pm each day for children aged 5 to 11 years old. Their mission is simple: to inspire, engage, and empower the next generation of innovators. Here's a glimpse of what awaits:
- Lego Engineering – Create and build frames with axles and crankshafts that allow you to explore and learn about different functions like spinning or turning back and forth.
- Fantastical Virtual Reality - With the magic of VR, you can explore breath-taking virtual worlds, design your own adventures, and unleash your imagination like never before.
- 3D Festive Creations - Unlock your inner Tech Artist and create mesmerising three-dimensional creations, letting your imagination soar!
- Laser Tag - Step into the action-packed world of laser tag! Engage in thrilling battles and team up with friends in the ultimate test of skill and strategy.
- Christmas Circuitry and Electronics - Learn about electronics with circuit cubes and test your building skills with endless projects possibilities!
All staff are DBS Checked and qualified to run the greatest sessions in the safest environment. For more information please see the attached flyer or to book:
HAF places available at this camp on 2nd and 3rd January! They have a number of HAF spaces available at camp which are completely FREE to eligible children on benefits-related FSM and include a hot lunch alongside the fantastic activities. You can click on the link above and find the ‘funded booking link’ button for more information. HAF bookings at this camp open on 25th November.
Key School Dates
- Friday 29th November - Parrot Street Pop Up (Infants 2:35 – 3:05pm)
- Saturday 30th November - Christmas Fair @ 1:00-4:00pm
- Tuesday 3rd December - Turtle Class “Try The Train” Trip (rearranged date)
- Tuesday 3rd December - Rearranged Fox Class Learning Look @ 3:30-4:30pm (new)
- Friday 6th December - Y5 Handbells & Singers performing at the Baptist Church Toddler Group
- Monday 9th - Friday 13th December - Chums Week
- Monday 9th December - Y5 Handbells and Singers performing at St. John's Church
- Tuesday 10th December - Junior Christmas Production @ 4:00pm
- Wednesday 11th December - Christmas Lunch and Christmas Jumper Day
- Wednesday 11th December - Junior Christmas Production @ 6:00pm
- Thursday 12th December - Nursery & Reception Joint Nativity @ 9:00am
- Sunday 15th December - Y5 & 6 Handbells Performing at the Methodist Church (new)
- Monday 16th December - Y2 Choir singing at the Methodist Church
- Monday 16th December - Nursery & Reception Trip to the Methodist Church & Waitrose
- Thursday 19th December - Church Service @ 9:30am
- Thursday 19th December - Term finishes early at 1.05pm (infants) and 1.20pm (juniors). Connect will finish at 5:15pm
- Friday 20th December - INSET Day (School closed to pupils)
- Monday 23rd December - Friday 3rd January - Christmas Holidays
- Monday 6th January - INSET Day (School closed to pupils)
- Tuesday 7th January - Spring Term starts