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Weekly Parent Update - Friday 31st January

This week our Year 4s have been time-travelling to the Roman times, courtesy of another visit from Rainbow Theatre Company.

Weekly Update from Mr Meehan

It was great to see lots of small world play items come into school today as part of our first ‘OPAL day’. Thank you for your generosity. As our OPAL initiative gathers pace, watch out for more news - including parent stay and play sessions, hopefully by the summer term!

Our children have also done a good (appropriate!) job today in ‘breaking the rules’ in all sorts of different ways, and had lots of fun doing it! All of this raises more funds for PTA initiatives, including the junior playground - more news on that soon too. 

This week, it has been our Year 4s who have been time-travelling to the Roman times, courtesy of another visit from Rainbow Theatre Company and we must also say a big well done to Antelope class on their class worship yesterday in which the children went on a bus journey visiting the different aspects of their learning. It was a fantastic performance.

We’ve also taken part in a Netball tournament this week, with a group of our Year 5 and 6 children travelling to a tournament at Surbiton High School. They managed to qualify from the group stage into the cup competition but came up against a very strong Holy Cross side and went out in the quarter finals. They represented the school well and played some fantastic netball! 

We have welcomed to our teaching assistant team this week Miss Abbot, who has joined us in the infants. We also have working with us at the moment Mr Sewell and Miss Ionnou as additional TAs. Next week, we welcome Mr Bevis to the juniors each Monday and Friday, who will be working with us as a mentor for some of our pupils. We also will be saying a sad goodbye to Miss Templeton, who has been a valued member of our staff and Connect team for nine years, and is now moving on to new things.

Finally, we are also looking forward to our first ‘Charity Tuesday’ of the year, supporting one of our chosen charities for this year, Kingston Churches Action on Homelessness (KCAH). On Monday, Georgie Foreshaw, from KCAH, will be talking to the children in collective worship about the work of the charity, and our Pupil Leadership Team will be meeting her to decide how we will fundraise next Tuesday. More news next week!

In the meantime, have a good weekend and enjoy the beginning of February!

Our School Updates for Parents

Traffic Survey results and next steps

Thank you to all who responded to our Lime Grove traffic survey; here is a summary of results from this survey. Next, we will be liaising with our local councillors, School Streets Scheme representative and local residents, to share this data and aim to table an agenda item in a forthcoming council meeting regarding Lime Grove.

Safer Internet Day

Next Tuesday is Safer Internet Day, and classes will all be learning more about staying safe online. Some of our parents may also be aware of the Smartphone Free Childhood campaign, and we will shortly be sharing with you a survey on parent views around smartphones, ahead of launching our own policy strategy on this ahead of September 2025.

Reminder: Junior Talent Show

As we mentioned in last week’s update, we have an exciting event coming up for our junior children later in the term, for any junior children or their families who want to take part in our Talent Show evening which Mrs Summers is organising. We are after a wide variety of acts to have a fun evening together, and to celebrate a range of skills on display. Please read this letter with more details. If your child or family are interested in contributing to this evening of fun, there is a link to a form within the letter that you need to complete. Unfortunately there seems to have been a problem with the form that was sent out last week but this has now been resolved.

Year 3/4 Soloist Concert - Tuesday 11th March in the Junior Hall @ 9am

If your child plays an instrument or sings and they would like to take part, they can send in an audition video to Mrs Bond ( by Monday 3rd February (but sooner if possible). This will then give the teachers time to look through all of the auditions to choose a variety of performances for the concert, and allow time for rehearsing at school with the piano if needed. Parents and the children's classmates will be invited to watch the concert. 

Please aim to keep the pieces short. If your child chooses a song, stick to one or two verses and a chorus. Also, please ensure the lyrics are appropriate and that the song can be sung easily by a child (some pop songs are unsuitable for young voices). The children may sing in a group with friends if they can arrange a video audition together. We will be available to accompany instrumental pieces and songs if we can find the music (or you can send in a backing track). Please note that this concert is only for children in Years 3 and 4.  The Year 5 and 6 children will have an opportunity to perform in the summer term.

Lime Grove Traffic Survey

We know that traffic around our school sites is an ongoing concern. Whilst this can be an issue at both sites, we are currently focusing on the Infant Site in Lime Grove. We are working with the council and residents to find possible solutions to ease traffic congestion. We would love to hear your views, particularly if you are a parent of an infant child, and this will really help our discussions with councillors and residents. Please access the survey sent to parents previously.

Nursery Applications

For any parents making nursery applications for September 2025, please complete this form. The closing date for applications is Friday 7th March 2025.

Spare Clothes

If your child has borrowed items of clothing please can you return them - we are running short of socks and tights at the Infants.

Wider Community Updates

Discoverers Event at Richmond Park - Sunday 16th February

Discoverers will be holding a free family event about birds in Richmond Park (Pembroke Lodge) on 16th February. Please see the attached poster for details.

Ultimate Activity Camps - Easter & Summer Holidays

Ultimate Activity Camps are running their holiday camp at Holy Cross Prep School again this Easter and Summer holidays. Please see their website for more information.

Action Theatre Club

Action Theatre Club have sent us the attached posters for for their upcoming activities should these be of interest:

Free Girls Cricket Masterclass

Hampton Wick Royal Cricket Club are offering a free masterclass for girls on Sunday 9th February. Please see the attached flyer for details.

The Tween Tribe

The Tween Tribe is an award winning tween only kids club - their mission is to get tweens off screens & safely exploring the real world, providing a gateway to independence, adventure & some unforgettable experiences. Please see the attached flyer for details of their February half term club.

Kingston Adult Education - Workshops and Courses 

Kingston Adult Education has a number of new workshops and short courses taking place this term that may be of interest to you:

  • FREE maths courses for adults to grow your numeracy confidence and help you to better support your children with their maths school work. 
  • A series of two-hour Saturday family workshops where you (or another adult) and your child can spend quality time together while learning. Workshops cost £20 for one adult and one child and activities include cookery, computing, Italian and art, and jewellery making.

Please also see this brochure for further details about these courses as well as Kingston Adult Education’s wider offering.

Key School Dates

  • Monday 3rd - Friday 7th February - Chums Week
  • Tuesday 4th February - Safer Internet Day
  • Wednesday 5th February - Y5 & 6 French Play ‘Au Musee Magique’
  • Wednesday 5th February - Nursery - Y5 Parents’ Evening @ 3:45 – 6:45pm
  • Thursday 6th February - Nursery - Y5 Parents’ Evening @ 2:45 - 5:45pm (School closes 1 hour early)
  • Thursday 6th February - Y6 Learning Reviews @ 1:30 - 5:30pm
  • Friday 7th February - Y6 Learning Reviews @ 8:00am - 12:30pm
  • Monday 10th February - Y6 Kingston Junior Citizen 2025 
  • Tuesday 11th February - Charity Tuesday
  • Monday 17th - Friday 21st February - Half Term
  • Tuesday 25th February - Nursery Tour for Prospective Parents @ 9:30am
  • Thursday 27th February - Eagle Class trip to Wimbledon Synagogue (am)
  • Thursday 27th February - Hedgehog Class Worship @ 2:40pm
  • Monday 3rd March - Y1 Zoolab Visit (pm)
  • Wednesday 5th March - Y1 Insight Visit
  • Thursday 6th March - World Book Day - Special Lunch Menu
  • Thursday 6th March - Tiger Class Worship @ 2:40pm
  • Thursday 6th March - Parrot Street Pop Up at the Juniors @ 3:00 – 3:45pm
  • Friday 7th March - SEND Parent Appointments @ 1:00 - 5:00pm
  • Tuesday 11th March - Year 3&4 Soloists Concert @ 9:00am 
  • Wednesday 12th March - Junior Talent Show @ 6:00 - 7:30pm 
  • Thursday 13th March - Macaw Class Trip to Wimbledon Synagogue (am)
  • Thursday 13th March - Fox Class Worship @ 2:40pm 
  • Monday 17th - Friday 21st March - Wellbeing Week
  • Monday 17th - Friday 28th March - Y5 Bikeability
  • Wednesday 19th March - Ross Montgomery Author Visit (pm)
  • Thursday 20th March - Y4 Insight Visit (pm)
  • Thursday 20th March - Owl Class Worship @ 2:40pm
  • Friday 21st March - Reception Trip to Polka Theatre (am)
  • Monday 24th - Friday 28th March - Chums Week
  • Tuesday 25th March - Charity Tuesday
  • Tuesday 25th March - Y6 National Child Measurement Programme (am)
  • Wednesday 26th March - Y5 Easter Experience at The Baptist Church (am)
  • Thursday 27th March - Learning Look - from pick up until 4:30pm 
  • Thursday 27th March - Lion Class Worship @ 2:40pm
  • Friday 28th March - PTA Break the Rules Day
  • Tuesday 1st April - Cluster Choir Concert at Rose Theatre (pm)
  • Wednesday 2nd April - Easter Bonnet Parade at Infants
  • Thursday 3rd April - Y3 Trip to Butser Farm
  • Friday 4th April - Easter Church Service @ 9:30am
  • Friday 4th April - Term finishes early at 1.05pm (infants) and 1.20pm (juniors). Connect will finish at 5:15pm
  • Monday 7th - Monday 21st April - Easter Holiday
  • Tuesday 22nd April - Summer Term Starts