Weekly Update - Friday 11th November

We celebrated ‘Remembrance’ in school today and considered what it means for people to ‘serve’.
Weekly Update from Mr Meehan
I hope many of you had a chance yesterday to get along to our ‘Learning Look’. I know many of the children were looking forward to showing off their learning environment and all the work in their books - there is certainly much they can be proud of so far this year! We will ensure further learning looks over the year, so you can see your child’s continued learning journey over the year.
It’s been an interesting and fun week of learning here at Christ Church, which has included Year 6 taking in some art at Tate Britain and also a Year 6 group attending a Mental Health conference at Southborough School. There seems to have been a bit of a food theme going on as well, with Year 4 evaluating a range of chocolate and Year 1 making jam sandwiches! I’ve had the pleasure of giving out a number of gold headteacher award stickers this week for all sorts of learning from super phonics learning to amazing art to challenging maths. Our children are certainly working hard!
We also have enjoyed the first of our ‘class worships’ in which a class leads worship and shares some of their current learning, with their parents invited. Well done to Gazelle class who were first up yesterday; their class worship was a great celebration of their learning in Year 5 so far, including singing, acting and sharing of their writing.
My thanks also to Mrs Rizi for organising this week’s book fair - hopefully you got along and you may have even done a bit of early Christmas shopping, snapping up a present for Christmas! At Christ Church, we want to continue promoting reading and we are looking forward to another author visit in a couple of weeks. Our lovely PTA, who do a grand job of raising money for the school, are also putting some money towards us purchasing more books in the infants to support our phonics scheme, and we are really grateful for this.
Next week is National Anti-Bullying Week and I must commend our junior Pupil Leadership Team who have been planning events for us this week. The theme for this national week is ‘Reach Out’ and we begin the week by taking part in ‘Odd Socks Day’ on Monday 14th, which encourages us to celebrate difference and diversity. Please take a look at the attached guidance on Combatting online bullying.
We celebrated ‘Remembrance’ in school today and considered what it means for people to ‘serve’. A few of our Year 6 pupils will be laying a wreath by the high street war memorial on Sunday as part of the New Malden parade and remembrance service on Sunday morning. Details are below if you’d like to join us. ‘We will remember’.
Key Updates for Parents
Photograph arrangements - Wednesday 16th November
Pret-a-Portrait will be at the Junior site on Wednesday 16th November to take individual photographs of all the children in Reception to Year 6. (Nursery will not have their individual photographs taken as in the past they have found the event overwhelming). Infant classes will be walked up to the Junior site during the morning for their photographs.
Sibling photographs are optional. Nursery children are welcome to be included in sibling photos. Appointments are available before school or after school on the same day, with parents booking an appointment. A separate email was sent via ParentMail on 17th October, regarding how to book an appointment should you wish. Parents/Carers are responsible for bringing their children to the Junior site for their time slot. Please note there will be no supervision for your children before/after your time slot. For before school slots you will need to take your children home/supervise them until the start of school or you are welcome to book them in to Connect. For after school slots you will need to collect your children at the end of school and take them home/supervise them until your slot.
Wellbeing Week
We are holding a well-being week, beginning 21st November. This will become a regular week, once each term, with a real focus on wellbeing, for both children and staff. As part of these weeks, we will include some ‘well-being’ learning and activities for all the children. More details on this will follow next week.
Free Group in Kingston for Separated Parents
There is a free parent group starting later this month in Kingston. Family Transitions Triple P is designed for parents experiencing personal distress from separation or divorce, which is impacting on or complicating their parenting. Please see the attached poster for details.
Sensory Story - Saturday 12th November at 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
A free Sensory story, suitable for individuals with a learning disability. Led by individuals experienced in supporting people with complex communication difficulties, including PMLD, this is the creation story as told in Genesis using simple spoken language and a multi-sensory approach. It is taking place at Cornerstone Church Kingston Hub, 234a Canbury Park Road, KT2 6LF. Places are limited. To book a place online go to sharelife.uk. One booking enters an individual and a carer.
Remembrance Parade
Some of our Year 6 children will be taking part in the New Malden Remembrance Parade on Sunday 13th November. If you want to attend this event, the parade assembles at 8.45am in Presberg Road, near the Fountain Roundabout. The parade marches off at 9.00am for the service at the War Memorial in the High Street at 9.30am.
Touch Typing Course in the Christmas Holiday
Typing’s Cool are running a children's touch-typing course for 7 - 18s at St Joseph's Primary School,
St Joseph’s Primary School, Kingston KT1 2UP. It will run from Monday 19th to Thursday 22nd December, 2022 at 10:00 – 12:15 pm daily. Beginners, improvers and advanced typists warmly welcome. Touch-type up to 40 words per minute using correct fingers and posture. Formal technique is taught with fun games and challenges. Cost: £160.00 (childcare vouchers accepted. 10% sibling and bring a friend, discounts available.) To book a place visit www.typingscool.co.uk or email sarah.holt@typingscool.co.uk
Reminder on parking in Lime Grove - Infant site
Please can we remind all our infant parents to ensure considerate parking when dropping off, picking up or visiting the infant site, so that our near neighbours are not inconvenienced. In particular, please be mindful of not blocking the entrance to the bowling club across the road, as they do require access at all times. Thank you for your cooperation with this.
Key Dates - Autumn 2022
- Sunday 13th - Remembrance Day Parade - 9.00 a.m.
- Monday 14th November - Odd Socks Day
- Wednesday 16th November - Reception - Y6 Individual & Sibling Photographs
- Monday 21st November - Reception Tour for Prospective Parents @ 5:00 p.m.
- Wednesday 23rd November - Y1-6 Author Visit (Banji Alexander)
- Thursday 24th November - Reception Tour for Prospective Parents @ 9:30 a.m.
- Saturday 26th November - PTA Christmas Fair @ Junior Site - 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
- Monday 28th November - Year 6 Choir (and Hand Bells Group) singing in John Lewis @ 11 a.m.
- Tuesday 29th November - Nursery Tour for Prospective Parents @ 9:30 a.m.
- Wednesday 30th November - Y5 Trip to the Science Museum
- Thursday 1st December - Antelope class worship performance @2.45pm, Junior hall
- Monday 5th December - Y3 Greek Workshop (pm)
- Tuesday 6th December - Y6 Trip to Imperial War Museum
- Thursday 8th December - Turtle Class Nativity @ 9:00 a.m.
- Thursday 8th December - Seahorse Class Nativity @ 9:45 a.m.
- Friday 9th December - Christmas Jumper Day
- Wednesday 14th December - Junior Christmas Production @ 2:00 p.m. & 6:00 p.m.
- Thursday 15th December - Christmas Party Day
- Friday 16th December - Christmas Service at the church - 9:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
- Friday 16th December - Last day of term - School closes 1 hour early:
- Infants @ 2:15 p.m.
- Nursery @ 2:20 p.m.
- Juniors @ 2:30 p.m.
- Connect will start at 2:15 p.m. and run until 5:15 p.m.