Weekly Update - Friday 18th November
It was a great joy to share with our whole school community our Ofsted report earlier this week, which all of us can celebrate.
Weekly Update from Mr Meehan
It was a great joy to share with our whole school community our Ofsted report earlier this week, which all of us can celebrate. As well as paying tribute to our hard-working staff team, I must also commend our Christ Church children who were great ambassadors for the school and a credit to all! They too can be very proud of their school and all their achievements.
It was also heartening that the improvement points identified in the report reflect the school improvement priorities we had already set ourselves for the year back in September. Whilst we are naturally pleased with our inspection outcomes, be assured that we still remain resolutely focused on improving further and realising our vision for everyone in ‘becoming the people God made us to be’ in everything we do. Our school improvement priorities are available on our website, but for quick reference, here they are:
- Celebrate and grow further our Christian ethos, ensuring the flourishing and well-being of all adults and children in all aspects of school life
- Ensure consistent quality first teaching to ensure good engagement, challenge and progress for all pupils, and especially pupils with SEND and disadvantaged pupils, including:
- Developing an effective school wide approach to developing children’s writing quality
- Embedding best practice of early reading and phonics teaching in all classrooms
- Develop leadership at all levels with a focus on building professional development, empowering all to secure the highest standards across the whole curriculum and in all aspects of school life.
It was also a joy to see last Sunday some of our pupils taking part in the New Malden Remembrance Parade, either dressed in school uniform or their brownies and scouts uniforms; it was a lovely reverent occasion.
Finally, my thanks to our Pupil Leadership Team for their work in leading our Anti-Bullying Week this week, and the national theme of ‘reaching out’. There was an amazing array of odd socks in school on Monday - very colourful! Next week in school is the first of our termly ‘well-being weeks’; we will be including in the curriculum next week some short well-being and mindfulness activities for the children to try out, as we build this into timetables through the week.
Key Updates for Parents
Christmas Fair Music
Please take note of the following performance times for the Christmas Fair.
- 2pm: Orchestra and recorders (gold and silver) performing in the hall.
- 2:45pm: Year 2 choir singing outside
- 3:15pm: Junior choir and hand bells performing outside
Children can wear their own clothes - the more festive the better! We encourage Santa hats, reindeer ears and any type of Christmas accessories.
Borrowed School Uniform?
Our stock of spare clothes at the Infants Office / Reception has nearly run out - notably socks, tights, pants and plimsolls. If your child has borrowed some please can you wash and return as soon as possible.
Reminder: Wellbeing Week
We are holding a well-being week next week. This will become a regular week, once each term, with a real focus on wellbeing, for both children and staff. As part of these weeks, we will include some ‘well-being’ learning and activities for all the children.
St Martin-in-the-Fields Children's Voices
One of our parents sings in the choir of St Martin-in-the-Fields and has let us know of the following amazing musical opportunity for children in years 5-8.
They are excited to announce the re-launch of the Children’s Voices of St Martin-in-the-Fields. Open to children from years 5 to 8, the choir will provide invaluable musical training for its young singers through regular rehearsals, services, and the opportunity to perform at high profile events at St Martin’s and beyond. Rehearsals will take place on Thursdays from 5pm - 6pm. The Children's Voices will sing monthly at Wednesday evening services at St Martin’s. At the end of this term they will have the exciting opportunity to perform in Trafalgar Square for the Lighting of the Christmas Tree. They are currently recruiting for the 2022-2023 choir - to apply for an audition, please complete this form. Please see the attached flyer with more information about the children's concert. If you have any questions and are interested, please feel free to email kristin.polman@gmail.com and Kristin would be happy to chat with you.
Could you help out this family?
We have a family (one adult, one child) within our school community, who were housed under the Ukrainian refugee scheme over the last 6 months, who are now looking for new rented accommodation in the area to move to from mid December. The family are in a financial position to pay rent and would love to remain in New Malden. If you have any interest in this or feel you might be able to support with this, please contact the school office and we can put you in contact with the previous sponsor or family concerned for a no obligation chat.
Key Dates - Autumn 2022
- Monday 21st November - Reception Tour for Prospective Parents @ 5:00 p.m.
- Monday 21st - Friday 25th November - Wellbeing Week
- Wednesday 23rd November - Y1-6 Author Visit (Banji Alexander)
- Thursday 24th November - Reception Tour for Prospective Parents @ 9:30 a.m.
- Saturday 26th November - PTA Christmas Fair @ Junior Site - 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
- Monday 28th November - Year 6 Choir (and Hand Bells Group) singing in John Lewis @ 11 a.m.
- Tuesday 29th November - Nursery Tour for Prospective Parents @ 9:30 a.m.
- Wednesday 30th November - Y5 Trip to the Science Museum
- Thursday 1st December - Antelope class worship performance @2.45pm, Junior hall
- Monday 5th December - Y3 Greek Workshop (pm)
- Tuesday 6th December - Y6 Trip to Imperial War Museum
- Tuesday 6th December - Y4 & 5 Choir Members and Hand Bells - Singing for Widow's Group at Christ Church
- Thursday 8th December - Turtle Class Nativity @ 9:00 a.m.
- Thursday 8th December - Seahorse Class Nativity @ 9:45 a.m.
- Friday 9th December - Christmas Jumper Day
- Tuesday 13th December - Y4 Trip to Rose Theatre for "A Christmas Carol"
- Wednesday 14th December - Junior Christmas Production @ 2:00 p.m. & 6:00 p.m.
- Thursday 15th December - Christmas Party Day
- Friday 16th December - Christmas Service at the church - 9:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
- Friday 16th December - Last day of term - School closes 1 hour early:
- Infants @ 2:15 p.m.
- Nursery @ 2:20 p.m.
- Juniors @ 2:30 p.m.
- Connect will start at 2:15 p.m. and run until 5:15 p.m.