Weekly Update - Friday 27th January

The Year 4 children were transported back to Roman Britain in their workshop on Tuesday.
Weekly Update from Mr Burkinshaw
This week, the children in Nursery and Reception have celebrated Lunar New Year. The children were thrilled to have visits from parents who shared how it is celebrated. The children in the nursery made their own dragons and performed some dragon dances. In Reception, children were given a red envelope with a chocolate coin in it. We do wish all families who celebrated it, a happy Lunar New Year.
The Year 4 children were transported back to Roman Britain in their workshop on Tuesday. They learnt how the Romans have influenced our lives today, visiting the home of the Roman Proconsul, a bustling market and the arena. Each child took part in the show, with some playing children of the Proconsul, others stall holders (including selling bashed mice dipped in honey), some worked in the Roman baths, others visited it, and brave soldiers. They even had a visit from Emperor Xavier himself. At the end, all the children took part in a battle between the unhappy Picts and the Romans at Hadrian's Wall.
Yesterday, we had Kipling’s Class Worship where we visited the Kipling Museum of Learning, met Sir Tim Berners Lee and Charles Darwin (among others) and learnt about the different biomes. The children performed with real confidence, a testament to the hard work they had put into writing and rehearsing it. It is wonderful to have so many parents attending the class worships - the next of which is Macaw Class on Thursday 9th February.
Key Updates for Parents
Remember to talk for writing In your child’s home learning each week, there is always the opportunity to ‘talk for writing’ ahead of their English lessons for the following week. Teachers remark how much difference this makes when children have had prior opportunity to think over and talk over their writing, especially when they have written it in their talk for writing books. Next week, we will be launching our whole school ‘Writing to Change the World’ competition, and there will be a chance for adults to pick up their pens too! More details next week.
Pre-ordering visiting author’s books We have author Ellie Irving visiting on Mon 6th Feb, going to all our classes from Reception upwards. If you haven’t already ordered any of Ellie Irving’s books ahead of her visit but would still like to, we have extended the deadline to purchase them on ParentMail until midday on Friday 3rd February.
Safer Internet Day is coming up on Tuesday 7th Feb, and we will be marking this day with some in-school activities. You may also wish to take advantage of the resources on our school website page on online safety to support your child in learning more about this important subject.
Key Dates - Spring 2023
- Thursday 2nd February - Y5 Viking Workshop (PM)
- Friday 3rd February - PTA Disco - Reception - Y2: 3.30pm - 5pm & Y3 - Y6: 5.30pm - 7pm
- Monday 6th - Friday 10th February - Writing to Change the World Week
- Monday 6th - Friday 10th February - Chums Week
- Monday 6th February - Whole School - Visiting Author Ellie Irving
- Tuesday 7th February - Safer Internet Day
- Tuesday 7th February - Y2 Choir - Singing for Widow's Group at Christ Church @ 1:30pm
- Wednesday 8th February - Y6 Kingston Junior Citizen 2023 @ Chessington (pm)
- Thursday 9th February - Macaw Class Worship @ 2:45pm
- Monday 13th - Friday 17th February - Half Term
- Thursday 23rd February - Y2 Visit to the Polka Theatre, Wimbledon
- Thursday 2nd March - World Book Day
- Thursday 2nd March - Tiger Class Worship @ 2:45pm
- Tuesday 7th March - Parents’ Evening - 4:00 - 7:00pm
- Wednesday 8th March - Parents’ Evening - 3:00 - 6:00pm (School closes 1 hour early)
- Thursday 9th March - Owl Class Worship @ 2:45pm
- Friday 10th March - Junior Soloists Concert - 9:15 - 11:45am
- Thursday 16th March - Lion Class Worship @ 2:45pm
- Tuesday 21st March - School Concert (Evening)
- Thursday 23rd Mar - Fox Class Worship @ 2:45pm
- Thursday 30th March - Learning Look - 4:30 - 5:30pm
- Friday 31st March - Easter Service @ 9:45am
- Friday 31st March - Term finishes at 1.15pm (infants) and 1.30pm (juniors)