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Weekly Parent Update - Friday 20th October

Our Years 3 and 4 pupils have ‘made some noise’ this week in their drumming workshop!

Weekly Update from Mr Meehan

We’ve had a lovely week of learning here at Christ Church, including our ‘chums’ getting together for a session during the week. Our Years 3 and 4 pupils have ‘made some noise’ this week in their drumming workshop and today, our Year 5 children are out at Hampton Court to support their learning of the Tudor period. You can already see pictures of this on our Instagram page!

Thanks for all your support with our parents’ evenings this week. I hope these have been helpful in catching up with your child’s class teacher. Don’t forget there will be an opportunity to come in to see your child’s work in our Learning Look later in the term on 23rd November. We look forward to seeing you then.

As mentioned earlier in the week, our pigs, Dotty and Truffle, are moving home over half term. Their new home will be Curly Tails in Buckinghamshire. They have been a special part of our school community in recent years, and a big thank you again to our parents who have given of their time to look after our pigs, as well as our own staff who have all literally ‘mucked in’. We will let you know after half term how Dotty and Truffle are getting on in their new adventure!

This week, we held our PTA AGM and it was a delight to look back at all that the PTA have masterminded over the last year, and funds raised for the school. There are plenty of plans for the year ahead, so watch this space, or even better, get involved - we are after parents who could support with various projects/working parties to make things happen. Thanks to those who have already volunteered to help at the infants with the Year 1 outdoor area fence over the half term.

In the meantime, with half term on the horizon, I hope you and your family have a good week and we look forward to starting again all refreshed, after half term. With our focus this year on reading for pleasure, we look forward to hearing about any great books our children have been devouring over their half term week - and we’ll be looking for some recommendations. We’d love to share some of these in our Friday updates!

Our School Updates for Parents

Term Dates and INSET days 2024/25 For those who like to get ahead of the game, we are publishing today on our website our term dates, including INSET days, for next academic year. We hope that this will be helpful to families in planning ahead.

Secondary School Application Deadline - Please can we remind Year 6 parents/carers that the deadline for secondary school applications is Tuesday, 31st October.  Please remember to complete your on-line application if you haven't already done so. Please go to eAdmissions to apply.

Wider Community Updates

Mayor's Christmas Card Competition

Please see the attached letter from the Mayor of Kingston regarding a competition to design her official 2023 Christmas Card. If your child would like to design a card, please use the attached entry form and return it either by email to or, alternatively, by printing the form and returning the completed picture to the school office by Tuesday 31st October.

Cycle Instructors Needed in the Sutton and Kingston Areas

The Sustainable Transport Team have asked us to advertise their vacancies for Casual Cycle Instructors - £12.79 - £14.10 per hour:

The Sustainable Transport Team is seeking to recruit Cycle Instructors in the Sutton and Kingston areas to deliver Bikeability, the national cycle training programme for children. As one of our professional trained instructors you could earn up to £422 per week (Casual rate) to deliver our standard Bikeability courses involving 20 hours of contact with riders plus time for course administration and travel. Our Bikeability sessions are typically 10.00 - 12.00 and 13.00 - 15.00, plus travel time. All instructors must train on a 4-day Professional Course. So if you are a regular cyclist, have good road sense, are a good communicator and enjoy working outdoors, then this could be just the job for you. If appropriate you will receive further training in First Aid, Safeguarding and Cycle Maintenance.

Our next professional course is:

4-day Course on Thu 30 November, Fri 01 December and Thu 07 December, Fri 08 December 2023 - Kingston

This professional course is recognised nationally and sought by all Bikeability organisations.

For an informal discussion about these positions please telephone Eric Chasseray, Sustainable Transport Officer on 020 8547 5826 or email

Old Emanuel Rugby Club Lions

Please see the attached flyer for details of this local club for boys and girls of all ages.

Key School Dates 

  • Monday 23rd – Friday 27th October – Half Term
  • Monday 30th October - Y6 Trip to Imperial War Museum
  • Friday 3rd November - PTA Break the Rules Day
  • Monday 6th November - Y6 Trip to the Buddhapadipa Temple
  • Wednesday 8th November – Reception – Y6 Individual Photographs & Sibling Photographs
  • Thursday 9th November - Reception Tour for Prospective Parents @ 9:30am
  • Thursday 9th November – Leopard Class Worship @ 2:45pm
  • Friday 10th November - PTA Non Uniform Day
  • Friday 10th November – Soloists Concert @ 9am
  • Friday 10th November - PTA Discos - Years 1- 3 @ 3.30 - 4:45pm. / Years 4-6 @ 5.00 - 6:15pm.
  • Sunday 12th November - Remembrance Day Parade @ 8:45am
  • Monday 13th – Friday 17th November – Anti-Bullying Week
  • Monday 13th – Friday 17th November - Y4 Bikeability (am only)
  • Monday 13th November – Y1 Pollock’s Toy Museum Workshop
  • Wednesday 15th November - Korean Day at the juniors (more details to follow)
  • Wednesday 22nd November - Reception Tour for Prospective Parents @ 9:30am
  • Thursday 23rd November – Learning Look @ 4:30-5:30pm
  • Saturday 25th November – PTA Christmas Fair
  • Monday 27th November – Friday 1st December – Wellbeing Week
  • Monday 27th November - Y6 Choir singing at John Lewis @ 10:30am
  • Thursday 30th November – Antelope Class Worship @ 2:45pm
  • Monday 4th December – Y5 Greek Workshop (pm)
  • Monday 11th – Friday 15th December – Chums Week
  • Tuesday 12th December - Junior Christmas Production @ 2pm and 6pm
  • Thursday 14th December – Reception Nativity @ 9am
  • Wednesday 20th December – Church Service @ 9:45am
  • Wednesday 20th December – Term finishes @ 1:05p.m. (infants), 1:20 p.m. (juniors) and Connect 5:15 p.m.
  • Thursday 21st December – INSET Day (School closed to pupils)
  • Friday 22nd December – Friday 5th January – Christmas Holiday
  • Monday 8th January – INSET Day (School closed to pupils)
  • Tuesday 9th January – Pupils return to school