The role of the Governors
The role of the governing body is a strategic one, responsible for the conduct of the school and must promote high standards of educational achievement. Governing bodies have often been described as critical friends of schools. By this we mean governors help and support the school but will hold the head and staff to account for performance of the school.
The governors have adopted a strapline for the school: ‘Becoming the people God made us to be’ and our aim is that this will be at the heart of everything that happens in school.
Contacting the Governors
If you wish to contact the governors you can leave a letter at either office, mark your letter confidential if you do not want it opened by the office staff. Alternatively, contact one of the governors directly who will bring the matter to the attention of the governing body. Email to the school office or the clerk to the governors is also useful, if the matter is not confidential. The office will forward to the chair of governors.
Robert Shrimpton
Chair of Governors