Online Resources
Here are some links to downloadable resources for home learning, which have been provided free by the companies concerned. We are very grateful to them!
Please click on the logos to go to the websites. are offering free home learning packs for EYFS and years 1-6. (Drop-down link near bottom of page on right hand side) | |
tts-group are offering a free activity book for each of EYFS, KS1 and KS2. | |
twinkl are offering a number of home learning packs by year group and key stage (free but sign up required) | |
PhonicsPlay itself is no longer free, but these 'daughter' websites are: |
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“For children with speech, language and communication needs, we have fast tracked the launch of our new Parent Portal to help with this. The site will provide parents with FREE speech and language advice, resources and activities.” |
Fun Time French has developed a series of fun videos with lessons, songs and activities – complete with worksheets and games to download and print, providing supporting educational activities. | |
A list of free, online, boredom-busting resources! | |
BBC Bitesize daily lessons | |
Oak National Academy daily lessons | |
White Rose Maths resources | |
Enjoyable activities, designed by teaching professionals for families to do at home with their children. |