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‘An active mind cannot exist in an inactive body’ - George S. Patton Jr

Subject Leader: Juleya Hedman

Link Governor: Andre Rickerby

At Christ Church New Malden Primary School, we believe that PE is an essential part of our curriculum. We know that physical education makes a unique and vital contribution to pupils’ physical, mental and social well being.  Our children thrive from the many sporting/physical activity opportunities they are given during their time at CCNM. They are exposed to a wide range of sports to ensure that every child finds exercise that they enjoy, in order to instil a long lasting love of sport and movement. Through expert teaching, our pupils develop the core values of resilience, teamwork, respect and perseverance.

What Children Learn

Our school curriculum is progressive and key threads are built on year by year as new knowledge and skills are acquired. Our PE curriculum aims to ensure that all pupils develop physical literacy and the fundamental knowledge required to take part in a range of sports and the key skills they need to excel in them and enjoy being active. This is done by offering a diverse curriculum with opportunities for every child.

Children in the Nursery will engage in PE sessions twice a week which will encourage the development of physical and teamwork skills as well as supporting them in securing key independence and self-care skills, for example being able to put their shoes and socks on independently. The children in Reception take part in 2 hours of weekly PE lessons, this includes one indoor and one outdoor lesson. As well as weekly PE lessons, all children across the early years phase can develop their physical skills within the outside area attached to their classroom. In these areas children can explore physical skills such as building upper body strength by climbing the climbing frame or digging in the sand pit. These outside areas are accessible throughout the school day. 

We teach our children core sporting skills and give them the skills they need to be proficient at a number of sports. Every child from Reception to Year 6 takes part in 2 hours of weekly PE lessons, this includes one indoor and one outdoor lesson. Children will be taught by a specialist PE coach/teacher for one of these lessons. Our lessons are fully inclusive and we use the STEP principle to ensure all children can access and enjoy lessons. 

At Christ Church, we promote positive attitudes towards a healthy and active lifestyle. Our PE curriculum will enable the children to develop their physical stamina, flexibility, and coordination. Through engaging with PE regularly at CCNM, children will understand the numerous positive benefits of exercise on an emotional, physical, and social level. Participating in team sports has many benefits for the children. Team sports enable children to work together and develop an understanding of how to communicate effectively with one another as they strive towards common goals. Children will also understand the emotional health benefits of exercise including its ability to decrease stress and tension. The determination and goal-setting skills a sport requires can also be transferred to the classroom which in turn builds confidence and self-esteem.

Click here for our PE curriculum map and here for the objectives in each unit. 

We are extremely proud of our pupils for their dedication to all aspects of physical activity and school sport, including those young volunteers, leaders and officials who made our events possible. We are committed to using the School Games to try and engage those young people who haven’t previously been active or represented our school and to try and ensure that all our students have a positive experience and want to try out new activities beyond school too in our community. We believe in the power of physical activity and school sport as a school and give opportunities to those young people that need it most either as a participant, leader, official or volunteer.