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Parent Reps

The Parent Representatives group is a vital connection between the school and the parents. It aims to keep parents informed of the bigger picture, including how decisions are made and the reasoning behind them.  It is hoped that, through an improved understanding of how and why things are done, parents are encouraged to remain active and informed partners and participants in the life of their school.

At the beginning of each academic year, parents are invited to a meeting to find out about being a Parent Rep and a parent (or two) from each class steps forward to become a class representative.  If you are interested, please see Mr Burkinshaw or ask at the office.

Being a Parent Rep is a role in which you can make a real contribution to our school and, we think, one you will enjoy. Parent reps have two main roles:

  • To liaise between parents and staff, sharing suggestions and queries.
  • To co-ordinate activities for the parents of your child's class, whether social or fundraising.

Parent Reps traditionally do the following:

  • Come to Class Rep meetings with Mr Meehan and Mr. Burkinshaw, collating any comments or queries in advance, and making sure that they are positively worded and appropriate.
  • Arrange for at least one parent from your child's class to come to PTA meetings.
  • Organise your year group cake sales with the Parent Reps in the parallel class
  • Organise your class stall at the Christmas and Summer Fairs
  • Coordinate a gift and card from parents at Christmas and at the end of the school year for the teacher and classroom assistant.
  • Arrange occasional social activities for parents in your class to build friendships between parents and to make the organisation of class activities easier.

We appreciate your support and look forward to working with you.