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Places Offered

How places have been offered on National Offer Day (60 places)

(For 2024-25 admission, 30 places only)

  2022 2023 2024
Number of applications 185 163 136
Looked after children 0 0 0
Social or medical grounds 0 0 1
Children of staff who have been employed for at least 2 years 0 0 0
Children with siblings 28 20 16
Church attendance at Christ Church/St John's 1 1 1
Attendance at 'Churches Together in New Malden' 2 0 2
Attendance at other Trinitarian Christian Church 1 0 0
Proximity to school 27 20 10
Home to school distance of last child offered under 'other' 9.749km 1.993km 0.646km
Children with a statement 0 0 0
Number of appeals heard 0 0 tbc
Number of successful appeals 0 0 tbc
Is there a waiting list No No Yes