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RE Trips

Throughout the years at Christ Church, we endeavour to give the children wide ranging experiences involving different religious visitors and places of worship. In Year 3, the children visit Khalsa Jatha (the oldest Gurdwara in Europe) to understand more about Sikh acts of worship, as well as experience 'langar', where they can taste food made in the Gurdwara.

In Years 2 and 5, the children visit New Malden Baptist Church for the "Christmas" and "Easter" experience - the children watch the Bible stories be acted out, as well as enjoy a time for asking questions about the Christian faith. This is a great opportunity to experience another church in the local area. As well as this, we enjoy strong links with our local church (Christ Church); we visit for Christmas and Easter services, end of term celebrations and to hear a talk about the stain-glass windows from Rev Kuhrt in Year 4.

In Year 6, the children visit a Buddhist temple in Wimbledon village, where they explore the beautiful and symbolic art work on the walls of the temple, as well as have a question and answer session with a Buddhist Monk. This brings their topic of Buddhism 'to life' and is a wonderful opportunity to develop their knowledge of the religion.

Previously, we have welcomed representatives from the Muslim faith into our school to talk about Islamic calligraphy and it's symbolism. We have also visited our local Synagogue (which is currently no longer accepting school groups). We look forward to building up new links with other places of worship in the future, to ensure that the children at Christ Church continue to enjoy a broad and balanced RE curriculum where different faiths are represented and explored throughout the year groups.