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Our school colours are navy and gold with grey.

Items of uniform can be ordered through AnyWear Ltd (formally Garbmann). They can either deliver direct to home addresses for a charge, or they deliver once a month to the school free of charge, usually on the last Friday of the month.

Pupil Premium children are offered a free school hoodie.

The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) have also set up an online facility where second hand uniform can be purchased; please visit their Uniformerly website here. Any items purchased will be delivered to the school office for collection. If you experience any problems when ordering uniform via the Uniformerly website, please email

It is important that children come to school well presented and in the correct school uniform. We have worked hard to ensure that the cost of uniform is reasonable, with few branded items. 

On days when children have PE or attend a school sports club, they must wear their PE kits. On every other day they should wear their normal uniform. All uniform should be named, but it is vital that hoodies, sweatshirts, cardigans, and any coats the children bring in, are clearly named with the child’s full name. Unnamed lost property is disposed of. 

Standard Uniform

Children must wear one of the following options on any day when they do not have PE:

  • Tailored grey trousers or shorts and a gold school polo shirt
  • A grey skirt and a gold school polo shirt
  • A grey pinafore dress and a gold school polo shirt
  • A yellow checked dress 

Children CAN:

  • Wear a navy blue school hoodie or sweatshirt.

Children MUST NOT:

  • Wear a T-shirt or vest under their polo or PE shirt that has longer sleeves than the polo shirt.
  • Wear a neck warmer/gaiter in the classroom. 


Polo shirt

PE Kit

On days when children have PE, they should wear their PE kit to school. For PE children need:  

  • A school PE T-shirt in the colour of their house
    • Poplar - Blue
    • Lime - Green
    • Elm - Red
    • Chestnut - Orange
  • Navy blue (not black) football shorts, skorts or tracksuit trousers. No tight (cycling) shorts or leggings.
  • Trainers that are completely black (including the sole) with no colour logos. 

In addition, all children may wear the navy blue school hoodie or sweatshirt.

PE T-shirt

PE Shorts/Tracksuit Trousers


Children should wear black shoes that support their feet and which children can put on by themselves. Trainers can be worn, but they must be completely black (including the sole) with no colour logos.

Socks and Tights

  • Socks should be grey, black or white. 
  • Tights should be opaque grey, black or white. No leggings.

School Bag

In the Infants, pupils should have a school book bag for their reading books and messages. 

Infant Bookbag

In the Juniors, pupils must use an appropriately sized waterproof bag to carry their lunch and equipment. These should be small enough to pack away, for example, a drawstring bag with a logo. School bags featuring inappropriate images, slogans or phrases are not permitted. 


  • Hair that is shoulder length or longer must be tied back. If a child does not have their hair tied back ensure they will be asked to tie it back immediately, with an elastic band if nothing else. 
  • Hair can be covered, for religious reasons. Head scarfs 
  • Hair must be kept away from the face to avoid distraction during learning, using a hair tie or band.
  • Hair ties / bands / headscarves (in school colours) should be discrete and plain with no adornments - no bandanas.
  • Extreme styles that might be distracting to others, including shaved patterns, mohawks, or overly spiked hair, are not allowed.
  • Parents should check for lice regularly, and treat promptly and inform the school if found.


  • Pupils should not wear makeup to school. 
  • Clear or lightly tinted lip balm is allowed for chapped lips, but no colourful or shiny lip products.
  • Makeup may be allowed for specific events with prior permission from the school.
  • Pupils should not wear nail polish. Clear nail polish may be allowed if necessary for nail health.
  • Skincare products like sunscreen and moisturiser are allowed if needed, but they should not be tinted or cosmetic in nature.
  • Pupils should not wear temporary tattoos. 
  • Pupils wearing makeup are required to remove it or, if appropriate, will be sent home to remove it. 


The only jewellery permitted in school is small stud earrings for those pupils with pierced ears. Children must be able to remove these for apparatus lessons or not wear them on PE days and for swimming lessons.

Medical alert bracelets are not jewellery and can be worn by any child who needs to. 

Wearable Devices

Children can wear a watch to support their learning to tell the time. However, children are not allowed to wear smartwatches to school that have any of the following functions: network connection (Wifi or 3G/4G/5G), data collection, ability to: send or receive messages or alerts, take photographs or videos, play music, play games, calculate (i.e. a calculator function).


If a child is not wearing the correct uniform the child and the parents will be reminded, initially informally and only when the non-compliance is repeated, formally. In the case of repeated or serious non-compliance, the headteacher, or a person authorised by the headteacher, is permitted to ask a pupil to briefly go home to remedy breaches to the school’s uniform. 

If a child has grown out of their shoes and it is the last two weeks of the summer term, parents can ask for permission via the school office for their child to wear alternative shoes. 

Lost Property

All uniforms, bags, bottles, stationery and lunch boxes must be clearly and legibly named. Unnamed property will be disposed of. 

Stikins name labels

We have teamed up with Stikins to offer parents the opportunity to purchase quality labels for your children’s school uniform, whilst earning the school commission at the same time. Each order placed quoting the school reference number – 4309 – will provide the school with 30% commission. Order by phone on 01270 668076, by post using their order form or online via their website.