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iShare Learning Themes

Each half term we will all be sharing our learning on a theme throughout the school in our worship times and in our classes and through some iShare buddy activities with our Christ Church Chums.  Each theme will be underpinned with a Bible verse worth knowing!

Autumn 1 - Belonging Together

Supporting Bible Verse

Let us consider how we may spur one another on towards love and good deeds. Let us encourage one another.

Hebrews 10 vv24-25


  • We are all part of different communities – school, church, clubs, our family – and God gives us each other to support and look after
  • We can help shape our communities by encouraging each other, being kind and helpful
  • God has given us people in our lives to be together with and it is good to build friendships with each other
  • Togetherness is shown with shared expectations and routines, which are like the glue that holds us together.

Autumn 2 - A Fair Share

Supporting Bible Verse

God loves justice and fairness, and he is kind to everyone everywhere on earth.

Psalm 33 v5 (CEV)


  • We all need to have an understanding of what justice means, as God desires it for all his people
  • We don’t always see justice in the world, when there are wars or poverty in parts of the world, but we can do our bit in how we live and by praying
  • God wants all his people to be respected equally
  • In day to day living, we need to be fair to each other and seek justice for each other if wrong has been done unto us
  • Where we see inequality, we can all be agents of change to seek justice and fairness for our fellow human beings.

Spring 1 - That's what Friends are For


Supporting Bible Verse

A friend loves you all the time. A brother is always there to help you.       

Proverbs 17v17


  • Friends are so important in life and we must not take our friends for granted.
  • To have friends, we need to be a good friend
  • A good friend is there all the time, in good times and bad, and is able to pray, help and support in times of adversity
  • Value your friends and make sure you let them know how much they mean to you
  • Jesus gave his life for us on the cross and has shown he is the greatest friend.

Spring 2 - New Creations

Supporting Bible Verse

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!

1 Corinthians 5 v17


  • Every day is a new day to live confidently and create new things – you learn something every day!
  • We are made new in God, so if we have done wrong or made mistakes, we can start again each day
  • God is a creative God and we can see His new creations each day in the wonder of the world and the new experiences he gives us

Summer 1 - All you Need is Love

Supporting Bible Verse

Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.

1 Corinthians 13 vv7-8


  • God is love and his love is demonstrated in Jesus’ death and resurrection
  • We are called to love each other unconditionally in the way God loves us
  • Love is the most important thing which holds together good friendships and relationships
  • We can demonstrate love we have for others through decisions we make, things we say and how we choose to live our lives
  • Sometimes we don’t love others as much as we should, but God’s love never fails

Summer 2 - Bearing Good Fruit

Supporting Bible Verse

I am the vine, and you are the branches. If you stay joined to me, and I stay joined to you, then you will produce lots of fruit. But you cannot do anything without me.

John 15v5


  • It is God who gives us strength, wisdom and inspiration to live our lives and to use our gifts and talents
  • Good fruit in our lives is shown in our character traits (refer to ‘fruit of the Spirit’ in Galatians 5vv22-3)
  • We can all live lives which bless others by using what we have to help and contribute to the lives of others and our communities which we are part of
  • We can learn from the example of Jesus of how to live our lives well, developing caring, generous and unselfish attitudes


Christ Church Chums

We have partnered year groups so that the juniors can form close links with the infants and the infants will see many familiar faces as they transfer to the juniors. Children are the younger chum from Year 1 to Year 3, they are then the older chum from Year 4 to Year 6.

Children should retain the same chum as they journey through school. The paired classes will meet together each half term to enjoy an iShare Buddies activity, based on our iShare Learning worship themes. This is an excellent opportunity for the older children to act as mentors and teachers to the younger ones. Children will also be invited to see their chums’ performances and other special events.